Paranasal sinuses are air filled pockets located in the head. There are four pairs of sinuses:
- Maxillary sinuses
- Frontal sinuses
- Ethmoid sinuses
- Sphenoid sinuses

How do healthy sinuses work?
When you breathe in air, mucus in the sinuses humidifies the air and collects bacteria and pollutants.
Tiny hairs lining the sinuses move the mucus (with pollutants) out of the sinus, into your throat.
You then swallow the mucus, and your stomach acid destroys the bacteria and pollutants.
Colds, allergies, environmental irritants or other conditions can slow or block natural drainage, and irritate the sinus lining. This, in turn, can lead to swelling, additional blockage, and sinusitis.
We Treat Sinusitis in the SheaENT & Allergy Clinic
Sinusitis is a common condition that afflicts over 35 million Americans every year.
The sinuses are air-filled spaces behind the forehead, cheeks, and eyes. In healthy sinuses, mucus drains out and air is able to circulate. Sinusitis describes a swelling (inflammation) of the sinuses that can lead to blockages and prevent mucous from draining properly. This can lead to infection.

At SheaENT & Allergy in Burleson, we see many patients suffering from chronic and recurrent sinusitis each week. |