Battery Sales
We keep a supply of batteries for you to purchase in our office. Stop in routinely for fresh batteries. Make sure to check the batteries in your hearing devices often and make sure there is no dirt, wax or debris interfering with the batteries performance. Batteries that are properly charged will make a noise (a squeal) when cupped in your hand or after it has been inserted in your ear, when you cup your hand over the hearing aid it will also make a noise.

Assistive Listening Devices
When hearing aids are not enough or not appropriate we offer devices for the TV, telephone, FM classroom amplification, and sound alert devices.
Hearing Aid Dispensing & Fitting
At the hearing aid dispensing, you will receive the hearing aids you selected. They are programmed based on a prescription that is specific to each person’s hearing loss. The audiologist may make adjustments after you try the hearing aids to make sure the settings and fit are ideal for you.
In Office Services
We encourage ongoing cleaning and maintenance after your hearing aid purchase to ensure you receive optimum performance and benefit from your hearing aid(s). We encourage all our patients to come in for regular hearing aid check-ups and cleaning.
Repairs, Maintenance, Cleanings, and Warranties come with all brands of hearing aids. We offer in-office repairs when possible on most makes/models.
Custom Ear Molds
Custom hearing protection for hunters, musicians, or if you simply work around loud noise. We also sell custom swim molds and iPod headphone ear molds.
Treatment for vertigo
The epley maneuver for BPPV (Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo) is the most common cause of dizziness. It is intermittent brief episodes of dizziness characterized by true vertigo usually lasting less than 10 seconds when laying down, turning over, getting up or tilting the head back. The procedure is done in the office while laying down and moving the head in certain positions. This allows for the tiny mineral deposits that are loose in the semicircular canals to be "repositioned" or moved into another part of the inner ear. Usually lasting relief comes from just one properly performed procedure. |